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- Chennakeshava temple, Beluru, wall reliefs around the sanctum, southern side, SW pillar, Narasimha
Chennakeshava temple, Beluru, wall reliefs around the sanctum, southern side, SW pillar, Narasimha
- Description:
- mage courtesy: Lawrence Rodrigues - www.yatrikaone.com
- Thumbnail:
- https://repository.jioinstitute.edu.in/downloads/71e43362-874f-48a2-8a83-db3ec88b82d3?file=thumbnail
- Date_accepted:
- 2021-10-22T05:58:47Z
- Modified:
- 2021-10-22T10:37:25Z
- Creator:
- Lawrence Rodrigues
- Contributor:
- Vanishree Mahesh
- Rights:
- http://rightsstatements.org/vocab/InC/1.0/
- References:
- Beluru and Karnataka